Tuesday 3 March 2015

February Favorites

Hey Internet, April here!

Ooh my goodness, where has the time gone! i cannot even express my confusion on how fast this year is going! Since i started my new job in January, a whole two months have flew by stupendously fast.  Sorry i haven't made time for blogging! lets hope that March is a more successful month for me to blog! I promise i will try harder!

Anyway this week I'm going to be going through what products i have been loving this past February. This list mostly contains me raving over beauty products that i received for Christmas! So well done to my family for buying products they knew i would enjoy!

Firstly this quote! isn't it amazing! it's what I've based my life around  these past couple months! I've realised that with a bit of positive reinforcement i can do anything! whether it's beating my anxiety issues (granted i still get a bit wobbly sometimes but on a whole I'm much, much better with dealing with situations that tend to cause me to have a bit of a panic. I'm proud of myself to have been able to do this without medication, I've seen a few people become reliant on anxiety meds and its not what i wanted to do, i didn't want to be reliant on something to make me feel better but not solve the underlying issue, i wanted to be able to solve the issue the best i could instead of putting theoretical band aids over a problem to hide the issues) 

I am totally in love with this song, i discovered it on my 'recommended videos' on YouTube, gave it a whirl, and volla, instantly my new favorite song.
Song of the month! Bipolar Sunshine- Daydreamer

I absolutely love this song, i stumbled across this band towards the end of January and its been in my 25 most played since.

Next on my favourites list is something unexpected. I asked my parents for makeup brushes for Christmas as my 'then current' brushes were rubbish! i asked for a starter set of Zoeva brushes, as i had read a lot of reviews raving about them and the obvious fact that the brushes were rose gold (look at me swoon over makeup brushes haha) but on christmas day when i opened a package expecting zoeva brushes, i was shocked to discover number 7 brushes, not that i was ungrateful, i was slightly amused because i know my mum had gotten confused in the store, anyway being the awkward person i am, i never mentioned it and started using them, much to my suprise they are amazing! i'm actually going to buy the whole set next payday because the brushes are amazing! they leave no brush marks when applying foundation,  they blend eye shadow brilliantly and they clean up beautifully too!
what a happy accident!

Next on my hit list of favs/must haves are Rimmel's lasting finish foundations (i rather using this than my benefit foundation) The foundation itself is brill, it has good coverage, the only downside is that it does dry out towards the end of the day, (if you do long days) this isn't really an issue for me as i don't really like wearing makeup for too long anyway. What also surprised me was the actual amount skin shades the brand offers, it is amazing, i usually have to mix multiple foundation shades together to get my skin tone shade correct so this is a time saving god send for me!

lastly on my little list of favs, i have quite possibly come across the best £7 i have ever spent. This tube of heaven has been a godsend! it has cleared my skin up amazingly, it totally obliterates black heads and cleans out pores! my skin has never been so clear, even during the time of the month it stays clear! i use it every evening as a two part cleanser and makeup remover! serious heaven in a tube...

Anyway, i hope you have enjoyed this post, and i will definitely try harder to be getting a post out every week :) hope you guys have an awesome week and i will see you soon!

Toodlepip xx

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