Tuesday 10 March 2015


Spring Has Finally Sprung

Hello my little sugar plums, how are you doing this fine spring morning!? I'm in a very good mood today, the sun has finally started to break through the misery that is winter allowing the frozen ground to finally start flourishing in to beauty again. I love how spring takes back the beauty that was stolen by winter. My back garden is slowly but surely coming back to life, there is something artistically beautiful about watching the spring plants blossom into beauty. I've currently got a backyard full of daffodils, I'm contemplating picking them and making an arrangement, but i feel guilty for ruining something that is so naturally beautiful to create an arrangement that will inevitably destroy? 

Do you get me or am i overthinking stuff again... haha i will make this an issue for future April :) Anyway, its bloody March! if you've been living under a rock how have 2 whole months flew past without me noticing!? Today in England we have just had our first proper sunny day, the temperature hit 15 Celsius! geezz time to thaw out guys! there will be men topless walking down the street next, amiritee! But what i particularly love *cough hate cough* about this month is how temperamental the weather is, although i say it's sunny, it's still bitterly cold i cannot emphasise bitterly enough the other day i was tricked into a false sense of assurance that that it was warm because the skies were clear and the sun was shining gracefully across the rooftops ohh gosh was i wrong i chose to leave the house in just a cardigan acting as my coat and some suede dolly shoes, i didn't even make it to the end of my street before the rain started, lets not forget i totally forgot my brolly too so i turned to head back home only to be stranded under a tree of misery trying to protect my freshly washed hair from the inevitable wetness of the rain, needless to say the so called tree *cough twig* wasn't enough protection and i had to briskly walk home, nobody got time for running What once started off as a beautiful sunny day had so quickly changed into the day i walked home drenched though resulting in my current illness; runny nose, sore throat, you know the kind... THIS IS WHY I DON'T LIKE LEAVING THE HOUSE!

* I created this post listening to this chill step playlist!

This is honestly one of the greatest playlist for any sort of productivity. Its what got Amreeta and i through many all nighters in the out of hours library trying so desperately to finish our dissertations and final major projects. I recommend any sort of music with no/hardly any voice's through it as it allows you to concentrate on your work rather than the lyrics.
Happy Listening!

Thanks for reading! I hope you guys have an awesome rest of the week, i have another little post being sorted as we speak for next week, i want to start a new weekly "Someday Summary" inspired by the beautiful Zoella from what i call her 'vintage blog posts' i love the concept of giving the world a brief snippet of your daily life, so look forward to that ;)

Toodlepip xx

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