Wednesday 18 March 2015

Someday Summary - Wednesday 18th

Hello my little sugar plums! I'm going to start a new 'thing' where I summarise my random day of antics and have a general chit chat about my week just like a little diary, that's not so private haa

I would call it "Monday Summary" or something to that extent 
but I seriously can't commit to that! Far too much creative pressure!
Like I said in my last post, this whole concept is inspired by the, what I call 'vintage' 

Zoella blog posts, i really like the idea. its like a written version of Grace Helbigs Fridiary!

*I'm currently writing this post with 2% battery left in my mac keyboard which is making this post 10x harder to write, with it constantly disconnecting- gahh-batteries! I feel like I'm constantly buying the bloody things.

*I planned this post eating Jaffa cakes, simultaneously whispering to myself 'full moon, half moon, total eclipse’. Yes I'm that cool

*I'm trying to convince myself that £50 is an acceptable amount of money to pay for Zoeva brushes; it's a shame that the common sense side of my brain is ruining the fun

*I'm trying to arrange to have my contraceptive implant taken out, (gross I know) its not going well, I need to book a whole day off work for a 20 minute consultation with the doctor and book another day off to have it removed, I'm bloody not parting with my much needed holiday just to spend my time sitting for hours in the hospital... so I need to come up with a plan... help?

*Its exactly a week till payday, my ASOS shopping basket is primed and ready. ..Again

* Brought a game called city skylines which I'm totally obsessed with, its similar to SimCity but better! I feel like when I'm not playing it I'm still thinking about it, it's almost as bad as my Sims addiction

*I keep having weird dreams that I'm going to be abducted by pirates!? I have no idea why!

*I'm going through a really good makeup phase atm, I've managed to get a natural everyday look down to a tee! I would show you a photo, but nobody got time to see that! I say down to a tee, by that I mean I actually have a makeup collection that’s half decent now (after many years) and I’ve gotten better at contouring my massive moon head...waahhoo

*Currently getting in to the summer mood re-visiting my favourite music YouTube channel of 2014 "The Sound You need" there 'popular uploads' playlist is amazing and totally awesome to get you in the "summer evening drinking with mates and having a BBQ" mood!

Here’s a snippet of what I'm currently chilling too

And that's me for this week sorted! I'm really tempted to do a nice healthy recipe for next weeks post since I haven't done a recipe tutorial in ages! Hoped you like this kind of post and I will see you next week!

Toodlepip xx

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